Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Rockhampton Village Hall, Church Road, Rockhampton GL13 9DT


These standard conditions apply to all hiring of the village hall. If the Hirer is in any doubt as to the meaning of the following, the Hall Secretary or Booking Clerk should immediately be consulted. The total number of occupants shall not exceed 80 persons.

1. Age: The Hirer, not being a person under 18 years of age, hereby accepts responsibility for always overseeing the premises when the public are present and for ensuring that all conditions, under this Agreement, relating to the management and supervision of the premises are fully met.

2. Supervision: The Hirer shall, during the period of hiring, be responsible for: supervision of the premises, the fabric, and the contents; their care; safety from damage however slight or change of any sort; and the behaviour of all persons using the premises whatever their capacity; including proper supervision of car parking arrangements to avoid obstruction of the highway. As directed by the Hall Secretary, the Hirer shall make good or pay for all damage (including accidental damage) to the premises or to the fixtures, fittings, or contents for loss of contents, including the car park.

3. Use of premises: The Hirer shall not use the premises for any purpose other than that described in the Hiring Agreement and shall not sub-hire or use the premises or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way nor do anything or bring onto the premises anything which may endanger the same or render invalid any insurance policies in respect thereof nor allow the consumption of alcohol therein without written permission.

4. Insurance and Indemnity: The Hirer shall be liable for:The cost of repair of any damage (including accidental and malicious damage) done to any part of the premises including the curtilage thereof or the contents of the premises.All claims, losses, damages, and costs made against or incurred by the village hall management committee, their employees, volunteers, agents, or invitees in respect of damage or loss of property or injury to persons arising as a result of the use of the premises (including the storage of equipment).

5. Gaming, betting, and lotteries: The Hirer shall ensure that nothing is done on or in relation to the premises in contravention of the law relating to gaming, betting, and lotteries.

6. Music Copyright licensing: The Hirer must ensure that we hold relevant licences under the Performing Right Society (PRS) and the Phonographic Performance Licence (PPL) or, where appropriate, you must hold such licence(s).

7. Music: The Hirer must have our written permission for performance of live music and the playing of recorded music under the Deregulation Act 2015. This agreement confers that permission.

8. Film: The Hirer must restrict children from viewing age-restricted films classified according to the recommendations of the British Board of Film Classification. You must ensure that you have the appropriate copyright licences for the film. This agreement confers the required permission on you. (The Deregulation Act 2015 requires you to have our written permission to show a film

9. Alcohol licensing: We have a Premises Licence authorising entertainment and the sale of alcohol. You hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of the conditions of the Premises Licence and/or Operating Schedule for the premises, in accordance with which the hiring must be undertaken, and agree to apply with all obligations therein.

i)  You agree that if regulated entertainment, not covered by our Premises Licence, is to be held you must obtain our consent to give notice of a TEN to the licensing authority. We will advise if a TEN is not needed.

ii)  You agree to give us notice of your intention to provide alcohol at the event and to give notice of a TEN to the licensing authority.

If you fail to comply with (i) or (ii) above, we will cancel the hiring without compensation. This is because there is a limit on the      number of TENs that can be granted annually for any premises. Lack of co-operation could affect future fundraising by us and  by local voluntary organisations. 

10. Safeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults:  The Hirer must ensure that any activities for children, young people and other vulnerable adults are only provided by fit and proper persons in accordance with the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act and any subsequent legislation. When requested, you must provide us with a copy of your Safeguarding Policy and evidence that you have carried out relevant checks through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

11. Children’s Safety Policy:  It is in the interest of children and young persons that you follow the policy for the hire of the village hall:-

i)  Bouncy castle and inflated structures are not permitted to be used.

ii)  Bookings for Teenage parties are not normally accepted.

iii)  All bookings with children and young persons present should be fully supervised.

12.  Public Safety Compliance: The Hirer must comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the premises by the Local Authority, the Licensing Authority, and our fire risk assessment or otherwise, particularly in connection with any event which constitutes regulated entertainment, at which alcohol is sold or provided or which is attended by children. You must also comply with our health and safety policy. The Hirer must call the Fire Service to any outbreak of fire, however slight, and give details to our Hall Secretary.

i)  You acknowledge that you have received instruction in the following matters:

  • The action to be taken in the event of fire. This includes calling the Fire Brigade and evacuating the hall.
  • The location and use of fire equipment. (a diagram of the location is attached to these conditions of hire)
  • Escape routes and the need to keep them clear
  • Method of operation of escape door fastenings
  • Appreciation of the importance of any fire doors and of closing all fire doors at the time of a fire.
  • Location of the first aid box.

 ii)  In advance of any activity whether regulated entertainment or not you must check the following items:

  • That all fire exits are unlocked, and panic bolts are in good working order
  • That all escape routes are free of obstruction and can be safely used for instant free public exit. That there are no fire-hazards on the premises.
  • That any fire doors are not wedged open
  • That exit signs are illuminated and that the emergency light supply is turned on during the whole time the premises are occupied.


13.  Noise:  The Hirer must ensure that the minimum of noise is made on arrival and departure, particularly late at night and early in the morning. You must, if using sound amplification equipment, make use of any noise limitation device and comply with any other licensing condition for the premises.

14.  Drunk and disorderly behaviour and supply of illegal drugs:  The Hirer shall ensure that in order to avoid disturbing neighbours to the hall and avoid violent or criminal behaviour; care shall be taken to avoid excessive consumption of alcohol. Drunk and disorderly behaviour shall not be permitted either on the premises or in its immediate vicinity.

15.  Food Health and hygiene:  The Hirer shall, if serving or selling food, observe all relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations. An outside caterer brought in by the Hirer must be registered appropriately with a local authority to ensure compliance with the current Food Safety Regulations. Persons handling food should be in  possession of a Food Hygiene certificate. The Hirer is requested to ensure that all food is removed from the premises at the end of the Hiring. 

16.  Electrical appliance safety: The Hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought by them to the premises and used there shall be safe, in good working order and used in a manner in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.
17.  Stored Equipment: We accept no responsibility for any stored equipment or other property brought on to or left at the premises and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded. All equipment must be removed at the end of each hiring.

18.  Smoking: The Hirer must comply with the prohibition of smoking in public places provisions of the Health Act 2006 and regulations made thereunder. We will ask any person who breaches this provision to leave the premises. You must ensure that    anyone wishing to smoke does so outside and disposes of cigarette ends, matches etc. in a tidy and responsible manner, so as not to cause a fire.
19.  Accidents and dangerous occurrences:  The Hirer must report all accidents involving injury to the public to a member of the village hall management committee as soon as possible and complete the relevant section in the village hall’s accident book. You must report certain types of accident or injury on a special form to the Incident Contact Centre. Our Hall Secretary can give assistance in completing this form and can provide contact details of the Incident Contact Centre. This is in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).
20.  Explosives and flammable substances: The Hirer shall ensure that:

i)  Highly flammable substances should not brought into or used in any part of the premises, nor any acts or displays of any noxious or flammable substances.
ii)  No internal decorations of a combustible nature (e.g., polystyrene, cotton wool) shall be erected without the consent of the management committee. No decorations are to be put up near light fittings or heaters.

21.  Heating: The Hirer shall ensure that no unauthorised heating appliances shall be used on the premises when open to the public    without the consent of the management committee. Portable Liquefied Propane Gas (LPG) heating appliances shall not be used.

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